Welcome to a space where spirituality, creativity, and transformation converge. Explore blog posts that delve into divine essence, higher perspectives, and the healing power of love and energy frequencies. Discover insights into quantum healing, sound therapy, and the art of embracing your sacred light. Through visions, dreams, and inspired reflections, this blog invites you to step into a journey of inner stillness and limitless potential. Follow along as we illuminate the path to wholeness, connection, and creative expression. |
1/21/2025 0 Comments The Ebb and flow of change![]() DANCES WITH WATER....NEWEST PAINTING in a series called " We Are One with All". The vibrant colors and intricate design create a sense of movement and fluidity, perfectly capturing the essence of dancing with water. The glow of the moon adds just a touch of mystical light, while the multicolored waves and swirls and energy lines represent how we are intricately connected to water, to the ocean, to all conscious life. You all are among the first to see it. I'm working on creating at least six paintings in each series, and in this series, I am working on how we are connected to all the elements, air, land, water, trees, fire. I now have two finished, and almost a third. Why am I painting these? During my experiences with near death, I was able to see how everything with conscious life is connected, we need each other, we are one with each other, we are love and light and we are to love one another. Stay tuned for more paintings MESSAGES I receive these dreams and visions, so many ideas flowing from my heart. I just keep writing them down and allow them to percolate as I consistently work on finishing each one. We are in a season of rapid changes and high cosmic energies, and manifesting comes quickly...be clear on what you want...but do allow yourself to dream and dream big. Once God told me I didn't dream, and when I did it wasn't big enough. Maybe that's because I was living to make the wage and couldn't see beyond the day-to-day grind. I was playing it small, staying safe, and dying inside. You are the creator with God, so personally I am dreaming and creating New Earth, or Heaven on Earth. Once you start dreaming, and start envisioning then the flow opens, and more and more ideas come to you. What would that look like for you? Is there something you have always wanted to do, but have laid it down or shelved it in your closet? Mine was being an artist and speaking. Some of you don't know that I had cancer 25 years ago and lost one of my vocal cords. I didn't think the dream of speaking would ever happen for me. I didn't think I would or even felt good enough to paint and be called an artist. God has shown me that I can speak, and there are many different ways to speak. I speak with this blog, and the messages I receive are to be shared with you. I speak through and with my art, not only does my art speak but is filled with the healing energies of love. My art always finds the person who needs its voice and healing powers. I was also given a gift of being a prison minister and was part of a team that spoke weekly in the Oregon Prison Program, the men would come, and, in a way, they were a captive audience. It was great practice for speaking and when I spoke from my heart, I could feel the angels and all of heaven dancing with joy, many were healed, and many were touched, and lives were changed. I know God is sharing with me messages that I can speak and share with my art and these posts. One vision I received this month was a picture of feathers, thousands of feathers and bright orbs of light flowing to earth. The message was that thousands upon thousands of angels are flowing onto earth to help with all the high energies and rapid changes that are taking place. Remember you can ask them for help, they are waiting for you to ask for their assistance. When you do, say it aloud. Same with your prayers. Remember to thank the angels when they help you. I ask all the time, even for the simple things like busses, and colectivos, and often for the computer angels to guide me with wisdom on how to complete a task. I'm amazed at how wonderful this works. So don't be afraid to ask your angels for help, for guidance, for answers to questions, the answers come in the most interesting of ways. Do you hear from angels? Let me know in the comments below. I would love to hear from you. Tell me what you think of this painting, does the message resonate with you? Are you getting similar messages? !!!!EXCITING NEWS!!!!! I am being encouraged to expand and share my talents and messages, to collaborate and be one of the leaders of a woman's retreat. I personally invite each and every one of you, I do hope you will come. and please, bring a friend. Just a little bit about why we are having it, who the retreat leaders are and where it's being held. Guided Message from higher realms. You are all so very loved and protected. When you are feeling afraid...just call on your angels and speak out loud. BREATHE DEEP THREE TIMES AND OUT LOUD SAY I AM SAFE...I AM SAFE...I AM SAFE I AM GUIDED...I AM NEVER ALONE I AM PROTECTED BY THE LIGHT OF LOVE DON'T FORGET TO BREATHE DEEP ASK THE ANGELS TO COME AND BRING YOU A SONG OF LOVE. I received one of these songs the other day. I was feeling a bit low after a rough night's sleep and thankfully I was on my way to "Yoga with Christa J. Clark". This means walking in nature, catching a bus, and more walking 10-12 blocks in town. While I was walking a tune started in my head. "I'm filling up on Sunshine...I'm filling up on the air I breathe...I'm filling up on puppy dogs and love how they wag at me...I'm filling up on me. I'm filling up my love meter, I'm filling up with all the love for me. I'm filling up with the sounds of the birds, singing in the trees, I'm filling up on the trees, they're always waving and wanting to dance with me." And so, on it went. Funny thing was that I had to stop in the street and write it down. It did totally change my mood. We are in a time of great changes. You could say we are in a light filled revolution. There is an expansion of light and the expansion of consciousness of the whole of humanity. The light is expanding day by day, and moment by moment. Some of you may know that we are in a new age, known as the Golden Age or The Age of Aquarius. This year is a high energy year and there will be and has been great changes already. Everything is being illuminated and believe it or not when light expands, darkness diminishes. We are being called to allow our hearts to shine. To connect the light of our hearts with other human beings' lights. Be Love Filled. We are messengers of light and love, we are love. God is Love. As we raise our vibrational light and expand our love we increase the light of the overall development of humanity. We are being called to forgive. Forgive all those who have harmed us. To ask for forgiveness of all those we have harmed. Above all to forgive ourselves. Make Peace. Make peace with yourself, other people, souls and beings. Take the path that is best for you. Self-Love without judgement and without feelings of resentment. Discard everything that we no longer want to carry around with us. The Great Letting Go. This is a precious opportunity. So, I encourage you to let go. We are in a time of letting go. Let go of the realities of the past. We only have this moment, the past is over, forgive. Let us move forward, step by step, let us kindle the lights in our hearts and together our hearts will connect us; our hearts will heal us. The woman's retreat is set for the spring equinox. A time when day and night are standing in perfect balance, where light and dark unite as one. Both within and without. A perfect time, a powerful time to come to a woman's retreat. To be guided in renewal, guided in ceremonies of letting go of what doesn't serve you anymore. To allow yourself to come into transformation. To fill up on the Light of Truth This is the RISING Together we will as women "RISE" Together we'll create a safe place for healing, for growth, and alignment. Come Immerse Yourself in A Circle of Love. Give yourself a gift that will keep on giving, This is Self-love We have rented the beautiful Home...Casa Menta It's a two-minute walk to the ocean. This will be a very intimate group of women, and we will all Rise together. "SHE WHO RISES" Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca, Mexico March 20-23, 2025 with Maitreya Cempaka, Christa J. Clark and Johanna Larson Everything you want to know "CLICK THE LINK"
12/23/2024 4 Comments Far from home...
![]() Hello to all you shining souls, I want to wish all of you a beautiful season filled with love and remembrance of family and loved ones. Let us celebrate this full and flowing year. We are quickly coming to the end of 2025, and I have so much to be thankful for, this year was filled with many blessings, substantial growth and expansion, joyful celebrations with friends and family, travels and excursions bringing me to meet new friends with the hopes of expanding our friendships and collaborations in the New Year. Eight years ago, Ernie my sweet husband and I were living on the East Fork of the Lewis River. It was a place one could call heaven on earth, as it was situated right next to the East Fork and brought us endless joy watching the wildlife and the peaceful and sometimes violent ways of the river. For Christmas our last year there, Ernie had this wonderful rock engraved for me. It's an interesting story and worth telling. We had some wonderful friends the Cornell's and they lived near the Washougal River, their property was full of these huge slabs of rock, and they gifted us with several. Kevin and Ernie, drug and flipped these big rocks and lifted them into our little truck that strained from the weight. We drove them home to our Orchards home and placed them in the yard, many a backache my husband and I had from moving them. Then many years later, we had an offer to purchase our land, and it was generous enough to accept. We owned almost 2 acres, and it had a couple of barns, and they were full of our treasured tools and goods. A year later the sale went through, and after waiting and waiting for this news, they only gave us eight days to move. Not so much time to move and eliminate 20 years of accumulated household stuff. Ernie was working and was out of town, we still didn't have a new place to call our home, which ended up being this beautiful "Rivers Rest" home. So, we asked our daughter Janelle, who had a home in Hazel Dell, Washington if we could move all our fireplace wood, these rocks and a host of other outdoor tools and such. Since Ernie was out of town working it was up to me to get these rocks and wood moved. I have a wonderful friend Candi Chriss whose husband Scott had some very big men as his sons. They offered to help me move these rocks to Hazel Dell. Now let me tell you this was no easy task, as we had moved them once before, they were huge, super thick 2-3 inches, and very awkward to grasp and lift. So, for hours, and hours and over a few days we moved all these rocks and a barn full of equipment. Exhausting work, which I am so grateful to the Chriss boys for helping me. They also helped us move our things into a storage unit until we could find another place to live. So, a hearty shoutout to these men! The sale of the River House was finally final, and we were able to move, we had been staying for a month in the Quality Inn & Suites and had all our household goods in a storage unit and then...yes, once again we had to move the rocks from Hazel Dell to Yacolt Washington. Well, wonders and miracles do exist in our friends and family and how they love us. These same Chriss men, actually volunteered to move us again, all our stuff from the storage unit and yes...once again all those super heavy rocks and a cord or more of wood and equipment. They began to question where we were taking them as they followed us down the freeway, and way out to the boonies to the river house about 25 miles from Hazel Dell. Once they arrived, they soon understood why we wanted to live so far out. The expanse of the East Fork Lewis River lay below the back deck of the house, and it was truly a place of tranquility and relaxation. We grew an expanded in this home and it was a place of getting to know what we did want and what we didn't want. Contrasts of life, driving and spending an hour to hour and a half to and from work from Yacolt to Portland Airport where I worked and Ernie doing the same, eventually helped us decide to move from our heaven on earth. We will be forever grateful for all the sacrifice these men, Kevin Cornell and the Chriss men made for us. It was fitting when Ernie had this rock engraved with Rivers Rest. When we sold this house for Blue House our floating home on Lake River, that is truly when the rocks got a rest from their travels. Sometimes we take chances, and risks thinking we know what we want, and all the experiences are helping us figure out what is our best fit. While we were living at the river's rest home, we were Prison Ministers once to twice a week, traveling upwards to two hours after a day's work to bring about the good news, we were fortunate enough to have a great team and it made a huge impact to many of the men we met, who still to this day, reach out to us. We were also doing are thing with our regular full-time jobs, I was painting a large commission piece and was running a side hustle of antique and reworked furniture in Battleground all at the same time. It was fun, but exhausting and again, learned some lessons of contrast of what I did want to do and didn't want to do. This season came to an end once we decided to sell the river house, and create a smaller footprint and not work so hard. What I figured out was that I wanted ease and grace, less travel to and from work, so a new job closer to home, less after work activities like my side hustle, more time for art and trying to figure out how to be a full-time artist. I just didn't know how this would come about. Trust is the key...you are always, always being guided. We are now 8 years forward, now living in Oaxaca, Mexico. So much had to happen for this to come about, partly the loss of my beloved mother Ginny whose birthday is on December 26, the loss of my son-in-law Gerald Clark, who's birthday is today December 23, and my brother Chuck Sharps passing shortly after, and much other life changing events that were catalysts to get us where we are today. One thing is for sure...life is precious, and flowing down the river of life, and sometimes it's lazy and calm and other times its turbulent and thrashing all you have worked so hard to achieve. So, if there is something you always wanted to do go do it...and thrive in the fun of doing it. Be courageous and begin to allow your dreams to come true. Even if it means selling all your stuff and moving to different country. God has my attention, I have this journey and this was the beginning of the next part of my life, even though at the time I didn't know what my purpose was or what the journey would entail and the sacrifices that would be endured and made. It's not all easy, I miss my daughter Janelle and our granddaughter Lennon, technology helps but it's not the same when you're so far away from home. Thankfully we are in the same city as our daughter Christa, and we get together often and share hot cocoas and celebrate the holidays together. Follow the guidance of your angels and your higher wisdom, the still quiet voice from within, allow yourself a gift, follow your dreams, float on down the river and share your truths and adventures. So many events and experiences have taken place to shift my perspective since arriving here in Mexico. I cherish all that life has to offer. I am profoundly grateful for all people, animals, the earth and everyone's journeys through this place called life on earth. I consider all of you who love and support me as cherished gifts from God. While in this season of love, of giving and receiving I want you to know how very grateful I am for all of you. I hope as your reading this that you will take a look at your life and your life journey. What is it you want, and what changes can you make to get there? It may include sacrifice and being away from family and friends, it may mean you know longer resonate with some people or even family as they don't understand your journey. Love yourself and allow them to be them, move in the direction you are called to go. The road less traveled won't be familiar, but it will reward you with great joy as you discover who you have always been. Everything you want to be, you already are. Merry Christmas. In case you need a reminder, you are sovereign, free, powerful, creative, deserving, worthy, capable of creating a life that you love, one full of passion and purpose, joy and magic, peace, love and kindness. I love you endlessly, Johanna 11/16/2024 0 Comments escuchar! Escuchar! Are you listening?Escuchar in Spanish means to listen, to hear. Over and over, I kept hearing escuchar, escuchar, are you listening Johanna? This month has been both exciting and also challenging. Our home has entertained family, our beautiful cousin Jenna, visiting from San Francisco, California, and we also hosted a five-week school, teaching Structural Integration, also known as Rolfing, lovingly nick-named after Ida Rolfe. My husband and I volunteered our home for the school and in return we became models for the students to practice on...lucky us! The school is run by Christa J. Clark and it teaches a form of body work that is transformative, designed to free your body from adhesions and imbalances. By aligning the body with gravity, this therapy helps to restore a natural, effortless posture, enhancing mobility and ease in everyday movements. Through a set of 10 specific sessions, Structural Integration rebalances your body's left-right, front-back, and top-bottom planes, reducing resistance and optimizing how your body functions. Over a period of years, I have had several 10 series. It truly does liberate, and through it my body has responded by experiencing a profound boost in energy, the releasing of the adherence of this fascia and the body work has brought to me balance in my structure, I become more grounded, I gain height, flexibility, and my favorite part is the "CLARITY". It's like opening a door to a whole new highway, or world, one that I didn't know existed until I received my first session, way back in 2015. That's when the fog began to lift and a new awareness helped guide me to where I am today, living in Mexico, having realized that the beautiful American dream that I was taught to achieve, was not really what I wanted at all. If you are curious or want to experience this wonderful transformative body work, I have provided a link to the school. If your visiting Oaxaca, Mexico, you can sign up for and overall body session or go for the whole 10 series and be amazed!
When we replaced the window, it was smaller and so then we needed to buy paint and paint around the window, which in turn led to noticing how faded and worn the paint was on that side of the house. Yes, this led to buying more paint and getting out the ladders and paint rollers to paint that entire side of the house.
There was a time when I actually painted houses for a living, and we had painted this whole house ourselves. This is no easy task...as the house is floating, moving and is two stories tall. I'm getting up in the years now and my usual gusto and youthful I can do it attitude struggled to adjust to climbing the ladder and hold onto a tray of paint. I could feel the fear well up in me the higher I climbed, and my knees must have known as I was using them to help hold myself steady on the ladder. It only takes one turn incorrectly...I heard a pop in my knee. Makes no difference, I still had more than half of that side of the house to finish. Once the day was done, the house not completed, I found my way to the second-floor deck and settled into the lounge chairs with a glass of wine and some herbal medicine (pot). Now mind you, I had let go of all these vices in Mexico and for over a year, had distanced myself from the energetic draw they seemed to have on me. Now the door was opened again. My knee hurt and I still had over half a house to go. So, until the job was done, I continued medicating each night. I was quite sure that once I left Washington State and returned to Mexico, I could easily return to my choices of letting go these vices and get back to my healthy lifestyle of walking daily, yoga, and juicing, and the forward journey of creating my dreams. Only, that is not what happened. Instead, once we returned, I found myself seeking out a supplier for more. Every day, medicating, as I hobbled around, and the inner struggle began. My desire to medicate, and my stronger desire to quit. What I needed was a catalyst to shift the draw it had on me. My relationship with God is very strong, and I hear very clearly. "It is a medicine and not to be used for recreational purposes". This message was for me, and there is no judgement towards marijuana at all, since my near death experiences in Mexico, it has been made clear that my journey and purpose does not include alcohol or other substances. I have a clear vision to achieve, and my focus must not be cloudy. I'm not the same woman who left Washington State almost four years prior. To AWAKEN you to the truth: it's not about what happens without, it's about the choices you make within. Sometimes, what's broken needs to crumble to dust so that you can create something new and beautiful. There is a way, a path within you, a beautiful and light filled path, where you feel so held and cherished...a path where you don't have to figure it out anymore, where you can let go of control and allow yourself to be gently guided in love. What happens, when you don't listen? There are many stages of listening. There is the one where you are nodding your head, saying yes, I hear you. You're getting instructions, but really your saying...I will, just not now. That is where I was. I was hearing and experiencing "STOP, GO BACK, YOU'RE GOING THE WRONG WAY!" "BAD IDEA...GO BACK...YOU'RE GOING THE WRONG WAY NOW!" Instead of listening with immediate action, stopping cold turkey, I was trying to reason my way into the incremental process of just slowly lessoning my usage. The power some of these vices have over me is like a very strong magnetic pull, that sends me into a continuous looping program, where even though I may enjoy the experience of receiving the freedom of expanded creativity from the medicine, I also at the same time go into a place of judgement of myself. A continuous loop. I have seen my path forward...pleasure ahead, this way to where you should go. I have found that everything is a blessing, yes even the things you may view as a not so good experience, usually allowed, to bring you an opportunity to have a new perspective, but seriously, every blessing isn't always comfortable. Enter my catalyst...I was asking for something to break my energetic pull to these vices I had re-opened the door to. Our company, and school starting was just what I asked for, only I was being stubborn and ignoring all the signs I was being given. First, I got a scratchy throat. Then I started losing my voice. Still stubborn, and ignorant to my still quiet voice. Even though the signs were obvious...I still wasn't listening...things in life are sometimes allowed, to help shift the direction you have chosen. Within days, I was fully emersed in a horrendous head cold. I have not had a serious cold since before 2015, and forgotten how miserable one could be. Headaches, lost 75% of my hearing, congestion, fever, loss of appetite, lack of energy. OH MY. Over and over, I kept hearing the words ESCUCHAR, ESCUCHAR....ARE YOU LISTENING NOW? A friend asked me but why did you lose your voice, and I replied, "You can't listen if you're talking". The good news... remember there is always a blessing if you're grateful and looking for one, my blessings were that the energetic pull was broken. We are entering a completely new reality. The aquarian age is a reality where truth resonates, and everything else sticks out like a sore thumb. This higher frequency energy is the PATH to feeling great and in alignment. Part of the path is RELEASING what is not a match for the higher frequencies. After my experience of near death, I had said "YES" to this new path. I had said "Yes, I want to live God". I had been asked to release the dreams of the past to make space for the dreams of my soul's blueprint. Cycles are completing and everyone's frequency, awareness and consciousness are upgrading. Are you listening? Has a small still voice been calling you to maybe let go of what you usually do, or how you live and pick up a new mantle...one that gives you permission to lead from your heart and soul? One that is calling you to trust that you are supported and protected as you let go of the old, to allow the emergence of "A New Way, A New Path, one that is full of Ease and Grace, your Soul's Blueprint. Even if your dreams are simple, even if they are huge, we are being given the chance to LISTEN and EXPAND WITH JOY. My dreams include bringing to life my experiences, dreams and visions after experiencing near death, these events have given me a story to tell the world. One about how you are the 'Light of Love". I have only just begun to create my dreams...follow me as it unfolds, become my support team. You can sign up for my Newsletter, and as I grow and learn and create, you will be the first to know and share my journey and receive special discounts and drawings for prints as I am led to create them. This is all new for me...a huge learning curve, and I have said yes to learning and leaning into this new way before me. Many changes are coming, including the re-working of my website, which is in the works, so please have grace for me as I grow into this dream. 10/6/2024 3 Comments Cave Time-Mother nature helps out![]() Hello from Oaxaca Mexico everyone, hope this post finds you all healthy and safe. Seems we have entered the season of hurricanes, and mother nature has come in hot. My heart and prayers go out to each and every single family that were in the pathways of these crazy storms, Many Blessings upon you all. For our family in Oaxaca, we have been safe, lots and lots of rain every day, some mucky roads with swollen puddles. Our area is farmland, and some roads (ours) are not paved, and some roads are made to be like a watershed or run off (ours), so when the rains come the road turns into a little river. Sometimes a little torrent and you had better stay home. I call those times Cave time. You just want to stay home, and Mother Nature is helping you out. You envision getting all cozy with hot tea or chocolate and getting dressed is optional along with brushing your hair and because it’s so cold I even broke out my mini heater and aimed it at my feet. While cooped up, I have spent days painting, sometimes getting lost in the process for hours, I believe this is what is called the flow state. You're not even hungry…you're so focused on the creative process that you become one with it. Before I knew it, time had flown by and I had a brand-new completed painting, ready to sign. I also had finished a Dragon painting that had been sitting around just waiting for me to be in the “flow”. Then I also prepared three canvases and figured out my design. What was my catalyst for change? There are the obvious ones where the weather was bad enough to not want to go anywhere, and yoga was canceled for the week, so no engagements. Also, there was this accumulation of all the required ingredients, having canvas, paints waiting to be used, brushes, and other various tools and yet the most important ingredient of all has been a newfound desire to paint into reality my visions, my dreams, my received messages. It’s like finally within my heart, the fog has cleared, and I can see my path, I can see or actually I feel them (the paintings forming) within me and then I create or release the vision to come into light. It’s like all of a sudden, the light has shined so bright in my heart that I know my purpose…I’m going to use my talents to bring into reality this vision of the light of love I felt during my NDE. I am going to create New Earth or Heaven on Earth paintings, ones that express that YOU are the Light of Love. Every day we are creating heaven on earth…. we are the LIGHT, so let us become as one, together, in a collective harmony of love, working together to create solutions for the good of all. For years I have wanted this clarity. So many times, over the years, I have felt like I was the ball in the game of “pinball” and the wizard of pinball was laughing as he saw me being whirled into this idea (ding, ding, ding) and then whirled into the next (ding, ding, ding!). One day I was an artist and then the owner of an antique and junk shop, and then I was raising sheep and becoming a spinner and weaver, and the list goes on. I had no idea really what path I should take and so I just followed whatever came my way. But one thing was obvious, everything I was passionate about involved creating artistically. It really felt funny calling myself an artist, I was just one who painted, and I liked painting everything. For a while I was a painter and finisher on a construction crew, working with my mom. It was truly a great experience, and I learned a great deal about how to prepare surfaces for painting and staining. Something shifted for me during the Covid years and all of a sudden, I had this clarity for not only calling myself an artist, I began to think more and more like an artist with actionable steps to make it so. Oh, over the years I have had several synchronicities and hit me over the head with a frying pan moment, as God kept whispering to me, as my angels and guides kept trying to say so many times, YES, JOHANNA, YOU ARE AN ARTIST, and then I would say “are you sure?” During Covid years, I produced several pieces of art and sold almost every single one. It helped fund our major move to Mexico in May of 2021. During these times I was laid off, and the government wanted you to actually stay in your home (CAVE TIME!). Into a flow state, mesmerized by the creative process, piece after piece began to be formed. No one to talk to, nowhere to go, only the geese floating by our floating home was keeping me company, and all the right elements had come together and the most important one of all was just my willingness to let go of my own judgment of my work and start to really enjoy whatever I created, receive God’s gifts of inspiration and to take action. Today, I feel free to create, my heart has healed, and out of my heart flows this light of love. I will share that. It’s become my passion and purpose, and it is my hope that you can feel this energy of love, in each and every painting. Here is my newest painting, so you can get an idea of how God whispers to my heart. Everyone has this inner light of love and as I write this, many are becoming aware, and this love light is expanding with joy and spreading like a wildfire. It is my hope to create art that “speaks to your spirit and awakens your soul”. Remember who you are...you are the light of love. Tell me in the comments below…does this painting evoke emotion; does it create curiosity? If it does, talk to me. Tell me your thoughts. Till next time, Be the light and shine your love all over, Johanna Join my journey as I create, be on my support team, you can do that by joining the liquid love movement and signing up for my newsletter
![]() Art has always been a bridge between the tangible and the intangible, the seen and the unseen. “Art has the power to heal, to transform, and to connect us with the divine. Through my journey as an artist, it has been my pleasure to experience the profound impact of how art can heal the heart, the spirit, the soul, the body” There was a time in my life when I was chasing after the Spirit of God. Anywhere there was a reported outpouring of people being healed, or Holy Laughter, or angels, I was interested in being there. I was super open to a touch from God. Just so you know God did not disappoint, and when you do get a touch, its life changing. Have you had one of these moments? Tell me about it in the comments. While I was on this quest to dance with angels and get words…I went to a church in Redding California that believed in healing. They were open to new ideas and techniques and created healing rooms. There was coloring and painting, poetry, music, prophetic singing, and more. People were writing books on Prophetic Healing Art, and prophetic art workshops were created, all used for healing and the giving of prophetic words over people. I went to this church one day looking for healing, and the overwhelming excitement and energy in this church was amazing. There were lots of testimonies of healing. One lady had a brain tumor, and she was led to sit in front of a painting that held a heart and the word Hope on it. The tumor melted or drained and she was cured. There was a story of how certain sounds or hertz played through music heals a woman’s autistic child, and the testimonies continue. I can give a testimony myself, as I had comet ailing with some muscle ailment causing me a lot of pain to just walk across the room. There was an older woman who was in her 80-90’s that talked to me about how God had healed her of crippling arthritis, and she waved her hands in front of me showing me how she could move them about, and said this was also a gift for me. Of course, one has to be in a receiving mode and thankfully I was and believed in the gift. Three weeks later all my symptoms disappeared . During these times of chasing after God I was painting…sometimes I would bring my paints with me, and soon there became a season of painting in churches, sometimes these paintings were directly for someone in the crowd, or they were quickly snatched up by those who were moved by the Spirit and drawn to the energy created and released on canvas. With the encouragement of my peers, I allowed myself to explore this world of new ideas of what healing looked like, and how Art and Healing converge as one and that there are no limitations on the creative ways God decides to heal and create miracles. My version of Prophetic art is when I simply surrender to and begin co-laboring with God, allowing God to work through me to create a message for someone. All those days of chasing God are over, for I have found what I was looking for, a few near death experiences helped, I now know that God and I are one, so I don’t need to chase after, but instead, flow, just listen, and be willing to act. Faith in Action is spelled R I S K. The Healing Power of Art Art has the unique ability to evoke emotions, inspire change, and promote healing, and that’s without anything added, just the pure love energy by the artist who created it. When combined with quantum healing techniques, such as crystal light therapy and sound instruments, art becomes a powerful conduit, a portal for healing energy. Each piece I create is infused with intention, love, and light designed to uplift and heal the viewer. Tech & Tools
Testimonials & Impact: Many individuals have shared their transformative experiences with my art. From emotional releases to physical healing, the impact of vibrational art is profound. Here are a few stories from those who have felt the healing power of my work:
Intrinsically Linked Art and healing are intrinsically linked, each enhancing the other in a beautiful dance of energy and intention. Through my work, I aim to bridge the realms of the physical and spiritual, offering a pathway to healing and transformation. Join me on this journey and experience the healing power of art for yourself. I'm in the process of creating a whole new series of art that portray that 'we are the light of love". that we are one with all, that we can truly create heaven on earth. Join me in support and sign up for the "LIQUID LOVE MOVEMENT" my monthly newsletter, and be the first to know what's happening in the art studio, new paintings released, travels and inspiration. Please leave a comment below…. Have you ever experienced the healing power of art? If so, share your story in the comments, or just say hello to let me know if this resonates. 7/18/2024 0 Comments July 18th, 2024Sacred Artistry: "Using Sound and Light for Spiritual Healing"YouTube's Bold Brave TV....Interview with "Soul Shifts" host Michelle Maitreya Cempaka ![]() My aim in my art has always been to create art the stirred the soul and awakened one's spirit. Over my career as an artist, I have been fortunate to create art in the outdoors through Plein Aire groups, create murals for private clients and also churches, restaurants and schools, teach children and adults, and for a season, was sent to various churches and spiritual retreats where I was able to pull out my paints and create the message God was giving me. These paintings sold quickly or were given away as they carried anointed messages for someone in the room. I recognized these messages as being prophetic and deserving of being released. Today... I'm in Oaxaca Mexico and by moving here gave up my art or so I thought. Upon arriving in Mexico, I have been led to study quantum energy and Reiki, sound, vibration and light and this led me to becoming a Reiki Master, to get my certificate in Sound Bowl/Bath therapy and create what has lovingly been nicknamed "the magic table" I have called it, (VASHT), Vibro Acoustic Sound Healing Table, with crystal light bar. I use a fusion of VASHT and Reiki energy with my clients. Sound healing is the specific use of specific instruments, music, tones and other vibrations to balance and heal the body, mind and spirit. It involves using specialized frequencies to create a therapeutic atmosphere to promote deep rest, nervous system rebalancing, and emotional release. It's like an energetic deep tissue massage that leaves you feeling balanced and replenished. Specialized music plays through Bose headphones, as well as felt within one's entire being through a unique system that is built into the massage table picking up the low frequencies in the music. So, it constantly is shifting the vibration through your body based on the sounds. This mixed with the infusion of light and crystals. The crystals are able to focus the light that is passing through them and to transfer the vibration of the crystals directly to chakras. This allows and creates the perfect scenario for the body to open to receiving healing by holistic body harmony and create hemostasis, a perfect state of balance among all the body systems needed for the body to survive and function correctly. The experience brings you within and brings peace to your spirit and soul. IDEA!!! IDEA!!! IDEA! IDEA! IDEA! I often feel things, ideas....and at first it just started out painting our living room and bedrooms .... nothing to exciting. Then I kept receiving hints from spirit to start painting again. Felt very directed, like the fog had lifted and I was being given a directive and direction. I am naturally attracted to spiritual art and contemporary art, and after a few near-death experiences.... even more so. So, the idea was to mix quantum healing techniques and create art with a purpose. This aligns perfectly with the concept of using art as a medium for healing, as both rely on the power of intention and energy. Quantum healing is based on the idea that our consciousness and energy fields can influence our physical health. Techniques like visualization, meditation, and intention setting are used to create positive shifts in an individual's energy field. High vibrational art is created with a healing intention. It speaks to the greater parts of your being, your spirit, your soul and your multidimensional light bodies and it brings you into vibrational harmony. A foundation is laid with intentions, affirmations, prayers of goodwill, adding sound healing instruments like singing bowls, angel chimes and pipe chimes playing a sound bath of love over a painting, using different crystals as directed and infusing sound waves to promote physical and emotional healing. Incorporating VASHT principles into my art, I can create pieces that resonate with specific healing frequencies. This can be particularly powerful when combined with visual elements that evoke a sense of peace and well-being. Next, the layers of colors have their own vibrational frequencies and can significantly impact mood and well-being. Creativity and the experimenting with different materials and techniques to create multi-dimensional healing art, resulting in powerful, high-vibrational pieces that resonate on multiple levels. Sharing... My hope is that my art will have an impact that can help others connect with my work on a deeper level. By integrating these quantum healing techniques into my art I'm hoping to not only inspire but also promote healing and transformation for those who experience them. 5/19/2024 0 Comments Colors Are A Frequency Of SoundA good friend of mine is going through some very serious health related issues and received some foundational shaking news about a couple of surgeries she will have to endure. She received words that I won’t even repeat as I do not want to give any power to them or move them into her or my reality. Truthfully, as someone who believes in the Power of God, knows miracles happen all the time, and has actually seen healing miracles and participated as a conduit to healings…this caught me off guard…no one wants to hear about a dear friend struggling. So, I did what any person should do…I did not react, but I went within and asked God what I should say to her. Now, I would have loved to just tell her that she would be healed by morning. It doesn’t always work that way, as sometimes there is a greater picture. Up to this point I hadn’t been able to answer her message to me. This is how God answered my question. First, God doesn’t always answer me immediately. Usually, I ask and then receive the answer in a way that I understand that it was the answer. I guess you could call this prayer, this back and forth relationship. SOOO, I was rattling around in a bunch of old papers and notes, when I ran across a note on a small piece of paper that I had kept for such a day as this. This is what it said; “Colors are a frequency of sound.” That got me to thinking, and it came immediately to my mind that this was what I was supposed to tell my friend. Well I have been studying about quantum energies, and how energy has no boundaries or limitations. How sound can heal, and when you mix a fusion of sound, color, and light with high intentions they can be like the balm of a soothing blanket, like the gentle touch of a mother, the peace that passes all understanding. So, I paused over my text to my friend as the Spirit of God guided me to be a conduit to the higher frequencies, and craft a message about color that would lift up her heart and wrap her in a coat of many colors. These are my thoughts…Colors are a frequency of sound. Life is like ribbons of colors. Colors form a vibrant spectrum; sound waves create melodies and harmonies. Life, like ribbons of colors, weaves together experiences, emotions, and memories each hue representing a unique moment in our journey. Like a tool in your toolbelt, color can be a weapon against warfare. When you're in a room with bright colors and items you resonate with, it makes you feel better. If you walk into a dark room that has negative pictures on the wall or something creating anxiousness, it will start slowing your vibration down. We can create a sanctuary of peace using color, artwork, and plants strategically placed to bring harmony to our surroundings. So what color is attracting you? Each color has a frequency of vibration. If you always wear black, and all of a sudden hot pink is calling you…I would heed the call, pink is speaking to you. At first this can be shockingly bright but try infusing it with your black. Wrap yourself in the color speaking to you, like with a scarf or a pillow you can hug. Buy a painting that has bright colors or gentle peaceful colors, or bring in a landscape that speaks to your soul and begin to shift your environment. The rainbow is like a banner of love, and can create a protected space, can ward off negative energies and bring healing to the heart. Colors Speak! Colors are making a sound like a note in a song. What color is speaking to you and what is it trying to say? If you are feeling a little down, look around, and see if you can brighten your world with color, the sounds of pink or green or blue to name a few. Every color has its meaning. Purple Is spiritual energy of God’s authority. Green is a melody of new birth, balance and peace. Yellow enhances clarity and optimism. Blue induces calmness and communication Red stimulates energy and passion and vitality Colors evoke emotions and memories affecting our mood and behavior. Rainbows symbolize the harmonious blending of all colors. The rainbow reminds us that diversity can create beautiful unity. Some believe rainbows serve as guiding paths for souls I see rainbows as a spiritual bridge to invite us to transcend the mundane and connect with higher realms. I can remember a time when my whole view of life was a "I have to". I have to wash the dishes, I have to do the laundry, I have to go to work, I have to do this or that. You get the picture. Life was a series of drudgery and chores. I felt like this is it, a never-ending list of got to do it.
Then one day I had a message, or revelation that changed everything, I heard God or Source of All mention that "I didn't have to". He gave me the word "Perspective". I have often for years heard words or received visions and dreams. So, I was listening and went and looked up the word perspective. Perspective in art is the art of drawing solid objects on a two-dimensional surface so as to give the right impression of their height, width, depth, and position in relation to each other when viewed from a particular point. That is not what God was talking to me about. Instead, it was perspective to my particular attitude, the way I was regarding my life. He was basically saying, why don't you count your blessings instead. I thought about how I had a choice, a chance to shift my way of thinking into a new way of life. So, I decided to try out "I get to" instead. So when I awoke in the morning, I thought about my new day and my new perspective. I get to breathe and live and have my being another day. I get to get dressed and collect the laundry, wake the children, get everybody ready with breakfast for a new day, and then we all get to go to work, some to school, of off to do chores. At the time I was in a job that I had been complaining about and it shifted my whole life, because I realized my job was a blessing and "I get to", helped me be grateful I had it. All of a sudden everything became easier and my outlook on life more promising. What is it in your life that leaves you feeling like "you have to"? Can you shift your perspective and find a new view, one that leaves you feeling good inside and full of gratitude? After all we are the creators of our lives, so let's paint a beautiful picture, one where we want to say, "I get to". Leave me a comment and tell me what's you're have to and how you can shift your vision. I eventually left that job, not because I had to, but because I saw opportunity to grow somewhere else, and then that job also fell away do to Covid, but again I saw it as an opportunity for growth. It eventually led me to a deeper appreciation of my art and talents and the people and circumstances of my life. Today I get to live in Oaxaca, Mexico and new opportunities are coming my way. Have a beautiful day, Be Liquid Love and Flow where You Need to Go Johanna 3/31/2024 1 Comment From Blue House...to Oaxaca, meXicoWe have a floating house on Lake River in Washington State. We as in Ernie and me, my husband of forty-two years. Living in a floating home with the Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge as my backyard did wonders for my spirit. It began to heal my heart and allowed me a new freedom in my art.
The wildlife, the reflections of color and light from the river, spoke to me in deep vibratory ways that I began to express through my art. I call these the "Blue Years" as so much of my art was blue. It's as if the color blue was trying to tell me something. Since blue is connected to your throat chakra the message I was getting was to speak and share my art and truths. Today I am living in Oaxaca, Mexico. For two years by the ocean, the sounds of pounding surf brought more healing. Puerto Escondido has such magical energies. I began to feel alive and expanded with joy. My dreams opened and I experienced visions. During this time, I had three near death experiences, that really shifted my own spiritual perspectives of life. While the ocean is nice, and I loved Puerto the heat was a bit to warm, so, we moved to a small town on the outskirts of Oaxaca City a small town with dusty roads and burrows braying, dogs freely running around, big trees grace the old roads and there is peace in my heart. The colors of Oaxaca fill me with joy, the big puffy white clouds, the purest blue skies, the kindness of the people and art is everywhere you look. It's been three years since art flowed freely from me, but it's beginning to bubble up from my soul. Since 2005 and really even earlier I started feeling angels and higher energies speak to me and through a vibrational knowing, visions, and dreams lead me to study the Power of Quantum healing, and the Positive Power of Sound Therapy and Crystals. I am being led to create art that is illuminated with my very own energy frequencies and is encoded... with the healing vibrations of light and love. What does that look like, I'm not sure yet, but let's find out! Follow my journey...on Instagram. @johannaleelarson_artwork and Facebook 5/22/2022 0 Comments Frequency of LoveWhat would happen if you turned off the noise, turned off the television, stopped the I have to do's (work, dishes, laundry, etc.) stop listening to what the world says you should be, should do, stop the madness of being on the ever revolving hamster wheel and instead (one of my most life changing words) make a choice to go within? What I can tell you from my own experience is it gets really quiet, and in the quiet you are able to hear the still small voice of your creator, the internal guide of your sacred divinity.
I began to hear this voice but for the longest time didn't recognize and resisted the guidance. I have flowed in visions and would often awake to in the earliest morning hours from dreams, ideas, creative words of wisdom, ceremonies of initiations, wild imaginings. My journal would come out and I would record and think deeply of what it all meant. |
AuthorHaving new eyes to see...having new perspectives...allowing the dreams, receiving the visions, the gifts from higher realms to "BE" created, to "BE" seen and shared, allowing yourself to speak and not be afraid to be heard. I am woman, I am a sacred divine essence of light and love. Archives
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